Nightmare!Sans from Undertale DIY Costume Guide

Nightmare!Sans from Undertale

Undertale is one of those games that, while not exactly a household name, has a dedicated fan base. So dedicated, in fact, that they have made up sprawling alternate universes filled with lore and characters all based off the original game by Toby Fox. One such alternate universe is Dreamtale created by Tumblr user Jokublog. A battle-ready villain, Nightmare is one of the most terrifying version of Sans - a skeleton in the original game - out there today.

Putting together a Nightmare Sans costume takes a fair bit of DIY. And, unfortunately, a tolerance for wearing a number of layers.

The largest chunk of the DIY will go toward making your tentacles. Buying premade costume tentacles is very expensive. However this tutorial walks you through making your own using pool noodles from the dollar store. They will take some time but will be more affordable than buying them premade.

The second bit of DIY comes into play when you prepare the body suit. Nightmare has a permanent and unsettling grin as well as one eye that is always battle-ready blue. Soft touch paint lets you apply both to the hood and mask of your body suit which will also give your head the bone-smooth appearance of a skeleton without a bald cap. It will be a little tricky to see through the body suit for long periods of time but it still makes for an excellent Sans.

Once the DIY is done all you will need is a black zip-up hoodie, a black t-shirt, black shorts and black shoes. You should also grab some black ankle socks. They won't be visible when you're wearing the costume but they will make walking in the body suit more comfortable.

(Art from this YouTube video)

Nightmare!Sans from Undertale Costume 1234567

About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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