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Red Hood

…In Batman, Red Hood is the alter ego of Jason Todd, who takes controls of multiple gangs in Gotham and cleanse the city of violent crime in his own way. He comes to blows against Batman and other superheroes who believe he goes too far, but he mounts a PR campaign to appeal to the public, which includes adopting a more traditional superhero costume….

Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad

…In Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn is the same crazed psychiatrist turned supervillain, but Margot Robbie’s is different from the usual take on Harleen Quinzel. One that’s less court jester and more of a deranged, bloodthirsty baseball player. To get the face makeup just right, follow this Harley Quinn makeup tutorial….

Killer Frost (Earth Two)

…In the parallel timeline dubbed Earth Two from the television show The Flash, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker), real name Caitlin, was a metahuman villain allied with her husband Deathstorm (Robbie Amell), Reverb (Carlos Valdes), and the evil speedster Zoom (Teddy Sears). Her ability to shoot frozen air out of her palms complemented her lover’s fiery fury. Similar to Earth One’s Killer Frost, she has an affinity for black leather….


…As a 13 year old girl, Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist) was given an intergalactic babysitting job by her parents, who sent her with the infant Kal-El from the doomed planet Krypton to Earth. During the journey, a mishap caused her to enter the Phantom Zone, where time stops, for 13 years. By the time she reached Earth, Kal-El had become a grown Superman, while Kara Zor-El was just learning to embrace her powers as Supergirl….


…Dick Grayson adopts the identity of Nightwing after outgrowing his position as Batman’s sidekick Robin. Like his mentor, Nightwing’s parents were murdered by a mobster in Gotham when he was just a young boy….


Created by Bernard Bally and Ken Fitch, Hourman first appeared in 1940. He quickly became a beloved character in what would be known as the Golden Age of comics. Originally the mantle was worn by Rex Tyler who gained his powers for one hour at a time through the use of Miraclo. Rick Tyler – the bearer of the Hourman name since 2011 – has a different look than the one pictured above. But who doesn’t love a good Golden Age costume?! To start you’ll…


Of all the people in the universe, the last one you want to meet is Lobo. He’s the last known Czarnian – because he wiped out his entire species as a science project. And unless you’re Al or Darlene – the owner and waitress in his favorite diner – or a dolphin (the one animal he has a soft spot for) he’s not going to hesitate to wipe you out either. He first appeared in a 1983 Omega Men comic and has been running from fight to fight ever since. T…

Batman from Batman: The Animated Series

There are more iterations of Batman than most people can count. And each version has a flair all his own. In Batman: The Animated Series, Kevin Conroy voices a Batman steeped in neo-noir style. And it has made this version of the caped crusader a favorite among long-time and new fans alike. This version of Batman is fairly old-school when it comes to his costume. A grey body suit and soft touch fabric paint will give you the base layer of his cos…


Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, is the title character of the live action CW show Batwoman. Three years have passed since the disappearance of Batman, and his cousin Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) must take the mantle to be Gotham’s next vigilante. Under the alter-ego of Batwoman, she protects the city from criminals. In the second season, an airplane crashes with Kate as a passenger. Although her body missing, her Batsuit is found by Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie…

Joker (2019)

…In the 2019 thriller Joker, Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a mentally ill, impoverished stand-up comic. Discarded and abused by society, he turns to a life of crime and chaos, rising to become a frightening legend of Gotham City. Joaquin Phoenix is the fifth actor to portray the legendary Batman villain Joker in a film, and the first in a stand-alone feature….