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Martha Jones

…Companion to The 10th Doctor, med student Martha Jones didn’t exactly expect her life to be interrupted by an alien in a blue box. Nor did she realize following him on a whim would lead her on a universe-spanning adventure and give her the skills to save the entire world….

The 9th Doctor

…What can you say about the Doctor that hasn’t already been said over his show’s fifty-year history? He’s nine hundred years old, he’s an alien and he travels through time and space in a 1963 blue police call box. Also, sometimes he looks like Christopher Eccleston and that’s pretty fantastic….

Donna Noble

…Accidentally drawn onto the Doctor’s ship on her wedding day, Donna Noble never thought she’d see the lonely alien man again. But unable to get him out of her mind, she began searching for him wherever something strange or paranormal cropped up, eventually joining him as a full-time companion….

Amy Pond

…After first meeting the Doctor when she was seven, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) thought for years he was an imaginary friend. Until he showed up again the day before her wedding and it turned out her Raggedy Doctor was really an alien Time Lord (tangentially, what is up with the Doctor and redheads’ weddings?)….

Jack Harkness

…Time agent, conman, companion – Jack Harkness has been all of that and more over the course of his long, strange life. If he’s not off adventuring with the Doctor, this omnisexual, immortal flirt can be found running the Torchwood Institute on Earth, defending the planet when the Doctor can’t….

Mycroft Holmes

…Mycroft, Sherlock’s older and possibly smarter brother, prefers observation to action. He humbly insists he occupies but a minor role in Her Majesty’s government (if by ‘minor,’ you mean ‘occasionally IS Her Majesty’s government’), however, he gets tetchy when asked how his diet’s going (it’s going fine, thank you)….

The 11th Doctor

…Change is good. The 11th Doctor knows this. That’s why he wears a bowtie now. Bowties are cool. And sure, his regeneration was a little rocky and maybe the TARDIS needed a new desktop theme anyway, but he’s got everything under control. Really. You can stop laughing at any time….

Rose Tyler

…Rose started out as a normal nineteen-year-old shopgirl until the Doctor blew up her shop (there were Autons inside at the time – don’t ask). But given the choice between an ordinary life and adventure through all of time and space, Rose chose the latter. Hey, who wouldn’t?…

Interview with the Cast and Crew of Monster Force Zero

…e soundtrack is also available on Amazon in all its synthy greatness. Keep reading for the influences of Monster Force Zero, and what challenges the crew faced when constructing their costumes and props. What is Monster Force Zero? Mike Pacitto (Exec. Producer, Writer): First and foremost, it’s a love letter to creatives and home-gamers. Especially to those of us who keep trying to get our original work seen by the world, but struggle against the…

Audie from Animal Crossing

…ght orange fur and cream colored hands and feet she’s often mistaken for a fox but don’t let her fool you! She’s right at home with the other wolf villagers. And the peppy. And the sporty. Her bright personality comes through in her clothing. A pineapple-print dress, orange tights, and cream colored shoes mimic most of her look while sunglasses, fox ears, and an orange wig give you the same vibrant look Audi has. Just don’t forget your Surprised r…