Phoebe from Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire DIY Costume Guide

Phoebe from Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Phoebe is a character from the new Ghostbsuters film, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and is played by McKenna Grace. The film follows The Spengler family as they return to New York City, specifically the iconic firehouse we know from the original Ghostbusters. An ancient artifact is found and releases an evil force that brings on a second ice age, but both the new and old Ghostbusters are there to stop it together.

To dress like McKenna in her regular/ casual clothing, wear things like a black and white plaid coat or jacket or a red button down short sleeve shirt with denim shorts and combat boots. For her classic Ghostbusters uniform, wear khaki coveralls and add on a Ghostbusters patch on the arm, a custom name tag on the front, a khaki belt, and elbow pads.

Phoebe from Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Costume 123456789

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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