Pirate Jenny from HBO’s Watchmen Costume Guide

Pirate Jenny from HBO’s Watchmen

Pirate Jenny (Jessica Camacho) from the HBO series Watchmen is an anarchist at heart. She has joined The Watchmen to fight for justice by any means necessary. Her style is part functionality and part intimidation factor. A decent amount of crafting will need to go into the headpiece and mask. Luckily it is more ripping and tearing than sewing work.The bleached tee could be cut around the collar and stretched as desired. The fishnet hair net will need to go over your head and can be ripped liberally over the eyes. She has a dark smokey eye shadow peeking through the eye holes in her mask. The key to making this look work is expressing its been worn in. Use a close-up image of her face when making your mask so you can follow all the layers of fishnet and mesh it includes. May need some easy hand sewing for the thin layer of white mesh over her nose and mouth.

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