Prince Nuada Silverlance from Hellboy II: The Golden Army Costume
Hellboy II: The Golden Army was the second Hellboy movie directed by Guillermo del Toro. It bears his trademark style of the darkly fantastic and nowhere is this mor clear than in the design of Prince Nuada Silverlance, the last heir of Bethmoora.
The elves seem to draw fashion inspiration from all over and Nuda is a perfect example of this. His usual costume is tight black fabric with leather armor pieces over the top. A red waist sash is nearly the only color aside from the yellowed tips of his hair. Finding wigs with his specific coloring is difficult so you will have to add the darker tips in yourself.
It is also hard to get a replica of Nuada's blade. Most of the ones currently on the market run between $300 and $600. Cosplayers can substitute short blades like those pictured above or they can try their hand at making their own blade out of foam or plastic. Or, if they're lucky, a 3-D printer!
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