SCP-035 from SCP Containment Protocol DIY Costume Guide

SCP-035 from SCP Containment Protocol

SCP-035 is an extremely dangerous object and part of the SCP Foundation's collection in SCP: Containment Protocol. Also known as Possessive Mask, SCP-035 escapes containment along with countless other dangerous entities like SCP-1471-A and SCP-049.  SCP-035 can possess anyone who wears it, which will result in their bodies decaying at an extremely fast rate.  The Possessive Mask is one of the many horrors D-9341 encounters during the course of the game.  To recreate the look of SCP-035, use black acrylic paint on a white comedy mask to create the long, black tear tracks that ooze from it, as well as to dirty a white shirt.  Black body paint can add an additional detail by using it on your hands and arms.

SCP-035 from SCP Containment Protocol Costume 12345

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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