Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5 Costume

Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5

Sheva Alomar (voiced by Karen Dyer) is a Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance agent who first appears in Resident Evil 5.  As part of the West African branch of BSAA, Sheva is assigned to help Chris Redfield navigate Kijuju in order to stop the sale of a powerful bioweapon.  Sheva is a versatile agent, making her an excellent ally.  Sheva's costuming is in line with her profession and role in the game.  She wears sturdy boots and green pants, with a plethora of belts and harnesses to hold her supplies and weapons.  Her camisole top includes a light blue and white pattern, so look for a tank top that has similar colors or the same cut.  She also wears forearm guards, fingerless gloves, and a colorful necklace.  A red tattoo pen and a steady hand are your best bet for recreating the tattoo on her left bicep.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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