Arthur from Mystery Skulls
Arthur (voiced by Austin Lee Matthews) is a member of the Mystery Skulls team along with Vivi Yukino and their mascot, a kitsune disguised as a dog named Mystery. Lewis Pepper, a former member of the team, now resides in the Mansion as a ghost, following his death at the hands of Arthur while possessed. Arthur’s outfit consists of a white shirt with rolled sleeves, an orange vest with three pins, and yellow pants. His left possessed arm was removed and replaced with a robotic one. To recreate Arthur’s hair, you can trim up a yellow anime wig, and you can either grow a goatee or draw one on with a brown eyebrow pencil to complete the transformation.
Ranch It Up
Ranch it up! Advocate to legalize ranch in this casual, mismatched outfit from The Eric Andre Show. Comedian and host Eric Andre goes up to people in Manhattan and talks nonsense, mainly about ranch dressing. You may recognize Ranch It Up from the “Cheers, I’ll drink to that bro” reaction meme. Crop the t-shirt with a pair of scissors.
Cal Jacobs from Euphoria
Cal Jacobs (played by Eric Dane) is a major antagonist in Euphoria. He is the strict father of Nate Jacobs and is well known in town for his real estate empire. Cal is a married man who is struggling with his sexuality and is constantly using hook up apps to find and sleep with you gay men and trans-women. He sometimes videotapes them without their consent and keeps these videos hidden in his home office. Cal has a lot to lose if people find out not only that he’s been cheating on his wife, but often assaulting the young men and women he meets off these sites. Cal is extremely weary once he finds out Jules goes to high school with his son Nate. He sees her at the fair and begs her to not tell anyone. Cal is a very intimidating character and has some extreme red flags personality-wise. So far there is no good side to Cal besides some re-emerging guilt for having a second life apart from his marriage and job. The costume is extremely simple men’s dress attire. Be sure to get your outfit on before coloring your hair with the silver hair wax. This outfit will work well as part of a group Euphoria costume for Halloween or cosplay.
Gabriel Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug
Gabriel Agreste (voiced by Keith Silverstein in English) is a fashion designer and father to Adrien on the animated show Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Gabriel’s villainous alter-ego Hawk Moth is the main antagonist of the series, often butting heads with Cat Noir and Ladybug. Because Gabriel is a fashion designer, his clothing is very clean cut and exact. He wears a grey vest, white blazer, and red tailored pants with a white dress shirt. You can use a grey or silver hair wax to style your hair into his trademark pompadour while also imbuing your natural hair with some color.
Mick from Legends of Tomorrow
Mick Rory, also called Heat Wave, is a former super villain and former romance novelist. In the year 2016, Mick (played by Dominic Purcell) is recruited into Legends, a time-traveling superhero team, in an operation to prevent a disastrous uprising 2166. At first he joins the team for his own selfish gains, but as the mission goes deeper Mick begins to change his mind in Legends of Tomorrow.
Amenadiel from Lucifer
Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) is a main character on Lucifer. He is an archangel and Lucifer’s older brother. He was also the angel who helped Penelope Decker give birth to Chloe. He arrives in Los Angeles to convince Lucifer to go back to Hell, as his absence will create chaos. In failing this, he stays to help his brother become a better individual. Amenadiel plays by the rules and strives to stay on the path that their dad (aka God) has created. He is well-meaning and moral, though can sometimes be blissfully unaware of human practicalities. Like his brother, the longer he remains on Earth, the more human he becomes. In season four, Amenadiel and Dr. Linda have a baby named Charlie, who is mortal like his mother. This is his outfit when he first encounters Lucifer on Earth.
Giyuu Tomioka from Demon Slayer
Giyuu Tomioka is a character from the hit anime, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba. Known as the Water Pillar, he is one of the nine Hashiras of the Demon Slayer Corps. In the first episode, Giyuu encounters Tanjiro trying to save Nezuko. He delivers the harsh truth: she is a demon and she must be killed. When Tanjiro fights back, he is impressed with his skill. Giyuu is rather stoic and unpleasant, as reinforced by Shinobu‘s teasing that nobody likes him. Although unlike the other Hashiras, he shows mercy towards Tanjiro and argues to let Nezuko live.
Kazuma from Noragami
Kazuma (Eric Vale / Jun Fukuyama) is the blessed vessel / lead shinki of the Japanese fortune goddess Bishamon. Loyal to a fault, he’s been known to take matters into his own hand to help his mistress whether she realizes she needs it or not. When Yukine becomes Yato‘s blessed vessel, Kazuma eagerly takes the young shinki under his wing, though his motives in becoming close with his mistress’s rival (usually Bishamon-serving, as opposed to self-serving) come under Yukine’s scrutiny more than once.
Bendy from Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bendy is the mascot of Joey Drew Studios. The studio is in fact real but a fictional version is the setting of the incredible horror-puzzle-action game Bendy and the Ink Machine. In his original form, Bendy is a classic-style cartoon with a white face and white gloves. His hair, body, and shoes are all black.
To get Bendy’s look, you only need a few select pieces. Black dress shoes with large buckles, a black bodysuit, and large white gloves make up the majority of the costume. You can get Bendy’s hair style by using a short black wig and some wig styling gel. Mime makeup will recreate the rest of his look. You can even replicate Bendy’s cartoon-style eyes by painting your eyelids with black with a white wedge so you’ll look just like Bendy when you close your eyes.
Richard Hoover from Little Miss Sunshine
In Little Miss Sunshine, Richard Hoover (played by Greg Kinnear) is the son of Edwin, the husband of Sheryl, the father of Olive, and the step-father of Dwayne. Richard is extremely Type A and hopes to become a professional motivational speaker and life coach. Richard wears khakis that too long for him, bulky sneakers, and his cellphone clipped to his belt.