Master Lin from Deadly Class
Master Lin, played by Benedict Wong, is the head master of the elite academy called King’s Dominion. He rules the school with high standards and a strict protocol. After a chase involving his students, he confronts Marcus about joining his academy for the deadly arts. Master Lin maintains the reputation of King’s Dominion in Deadly Class.
Mia from Emergence
Mia Evans, played by Ashley Aufderheide, is a kind girl with a strong love for her family. Her mother finds a young girl at the plane crash site that happens in town, and brings her to their home. Mia saw this as a chance at having a sister, so she was excited to see the young girl. Mia is the one to name the young girl “Piper”. The two girls become close quickly, but Mia doesn’t know there is more to Piper than she can see in Emergence.
Dutch is a character from the anime Black Lagoon. He’s an ex-Navy captain and served in the Marines in the Vietnam War. In his new line of work as a mercenary for hire, he founded the Lagoon company. Composed and pragmatic, Dutch is the one who gives out orders and negotiates contracts. He often works alongside the show’s protagonist, Revy.
Jane Jetson from The Jetsons
On The Jetsons, Jane Jetson (voiced by Penny Singleton) is the wife of George, and the wife of Judy and Elroy. However, Rosie the Robot performs most of the household duties, which frees Jane’s time up and allows her to focus on her love of fashion and gadgetry. Jane wears a futuristic purple dress with pearl earrings.
Lucy Preston from Timeless
Lucy Preston, played by Abigail Spencer, is a historian and professor at Stanford University. She teaches history and anthropology of American political movements. Working for Rittenhouse, Lucy goes through numerous time leaps on missions to alter history. These changes ripple into her own life, which can have positive and negative effects. Lucy and her teammates need to be careful about what history they do and do not change in Timeless.
Bonnie Anderson from Toy Story 3
Bonnie Anderson is the new protagonist of Toy Story 3 and Toy Story 4. Known for her trademark pink tutu, Bonnie attends kindergarten at Sunnyside Daycare. In the third movie, when Andy goes off to college, he gives all his toys to Bonnie. Despite her shyness around adults, she has an active imagination when playing with the toys. In the fourth movie, she creates her own toy named Forky.
Sierra from Total Drama
Sierra (voiced by Annick Obonsawin) is the biggest Total Drama fan of all time. She runs blogs for each of the contestants and knows everything there is to know about each of them. So when she gets an opportunity to be on the show she jumps at the chance.
Her costume is pretty static throughout the show. It consists of purple hair, a green choker with a gold pendant, a yellow tube top, light jeans, a white belt, and green ballet flats with ankle ribbons. Her trusty cell phone is also never far away she can blog all of her adventures!
Scarlett from Papa Louie
Scarlett is the lead singer in the back Scarlett and the Shakers. Along with Marty, Rudy, and Clover, she is not only a rock star but one of Papa Louie’s faithful customers that eventually become his faithful employees.
To get Scarlett’s look start with a red wig and tie it back with a black tied headband. White heart earrings and a black leather belt are her only accessories. Getting the rest of her look, though, requires a little DIY. You can use red fabric pain to add hearts around the hem of a white denim vest and white fabric paint to add dashes around the sleeves of a black t-shirt. A red long sleeve shirt finishes off her layered tops while black and red check pants pair with black sneakers and red laces to complete the overall look. Just add a microphone and you’re good to go!
Cherry from Words Bubbling Up Like Cider
Cherry is bad at communicating with others. He usually keeps his headphones on, and channels his energy into writing haikus. He meets Smile by literally bumping into her at a mall causing the incident that starts their friendship. Cherry connects with Smile the way he can’t with others in Words Bubbling Up Like Cider (Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru).
Henry Sherman from The Royal Tenenbaums
In The Royal Tenenbaums, Henry Sherman (played by Danny Glover) is Etheline Tenenbaum‘s accountant-turned-husband. When Etheline’s ex-husband Royal lies about his health to regain her favor, Henry investigates only to discover the hoax. Henry is a kind man who cares deeply for Etheline. His clothing is simple, but elegant and falls in line with his profession as an accountant.