Duke Silver
Duke Silver is Ron Swanson’s smooth-talking alter ego on Parks & Recreation. He spends his evenings in Eagleton’s hottest bar playing jazz sax to the delight of elderly women. He likes to keep his act on the down low, so if you catch him at Cozy’s in his signature fedora, don’t call him “Mr. Swanson.”
In a cast of awkward characters, Deb takes the cake. Dressed most often in pastel, this monotone sweetheart’s fashion sense is stuck in the ’80s with sideways ponytails and bangle bracelets. Perhaps after college she’ll earn a career that’s not selling handicrafts door-to-door, and update her wardrobe.
Uncle Rico
Former athlete Uncle Rico didn’t reach his goal of becoming an NFL superstar, but that doesn’t mean he has to stop throwing footballs, especially if it’s at his nephew Napoleon Dynamite. Though he’s moved on to a variety of get-rich-quick schemes, his tight bell bottoms and class ring suggest he’s still holding on to some aspect of his younger years.
Pedro Sanchez
After Pedro’s sweet mustache and bike impress Napoleon Dynamite, they become best of friends. Although Pedro is the quiet type, he boldly bakes a cake for the popular girl and runs for class president.
The Governor
In The Walking Dead, the Governor offers survivors refuge from zombies in his idyllic town of Woodbury. But things are not all as they seem. Especially in the aquarium room.
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon is a fan-favorite Walking Dead character played by Norman Reedus. He’s a quiet southerner whose survival skills shine through in the zombie apocalypse. And like a proud redneck, his outfit is low key… aside from the crossbow and animal pelts.
Daria Morgendorffer
While Daria’s style was seen as unfashionable by her classmates at Lawndale High School, her brains before beauty was something to which many real life teenage girls could relate. Keeping it simple with pleated skirts and boots, Daria had better things to do than worry about her appearance. You know, like a crush on her best friend’s brother.
Jane Lane
When she isn’t painting or sculpting Jane Lane can usually be found hanging out with her best friend, Daria. While she is just as cynical as her friend, Jane’s style is a little more outgoing. Wearing tights with shorts, she isn’t afraid to put on a little red lipstick and dye her hair on occasion.
Wayne Campbell
Wayne Campbell, played by Mike Myers, co-hosts public access cable show Wayne’s World out of his parent’s basement in Aurora, Illinois. He likes to play air guitar, accompanied by best friend Garth Algar’s air drums. Schwing!
Garth Algar
Garth Algar, played by Dana Carvey, is a timid, high-strung heavy metal fan. He’s sidekick to Wayne Campbell and co-host of public-access television show Wayne’s World. He’s been rocking plastic glasses and flannels since before it was cool. Party on, Garth.