
Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Lisbeth Salander (played by Claire Foy, Rooney Mara, and Noomi Rapace in different adaptations of Stieg Larsson’s book) is a sort of antihero. She is more than willing to take down the big bad guys of the world and she’s not shy about getting her hands dirty to do it. But she’s also aggressive, untrusting, and often seen as rude. And after everything she’s been through who can blame her?

No matter the movie version of Lisbeth you prefer, the character dresses all in black. They all have black leather jackets and ride motorcycles which means their black boots are very sensible. Black jeans, black t-shirts, and black makeup are also regular parts of her costume. A black scarf and black spiked choker are also part of the costume that would be most widely recognized in America, as well as black hair cut asymmetrically or spiked into a mohawk.

Oono from Hi Score Girl

Oono Akira is a girl who doesn’t speak much. Despite not speaking much, she has very lively facial expressions. Oono does well in her studies and hobbies, especially gaming. She can be aggressive at times, but it’s mostly towards Haruo. Funnily, Haruo is someone who is good at reading Oono’s expressions, so they are friends. Oono and Haruo geek over games in Hi Score Girl.

Sypha Belnades from Castlevania

Sypha Belnades (played by Alejandra Reynoso in the Castlevania animated series) is a sorceress with control over the elements. Her people, the speakers, are a nomadic tribe of scholars and magicians. Syphas people were wrongly accused of causing Dracula’s mass murders of humans and therefor were mostly in hiding. Sypha herself presented as a young man so she would not be accused of being a witch. She met Trevor Belmont in The Catacombs after being turned back from stone once he killed the cyclops that attacked her. The two start working together shortly after and decide to start on a quest to kill Dracula and defeat his army. Sypha’s Costume requires a good amount of layering. I recommend turning the Teal Mesh Poncho Top inside out and cutting from the bottom along the seam until you reach the top of the shoulder. This will give more visibility to the layers underneath the poncho. Use the bandage wrap over her tank top which should be tucked into her skirt. This is a fun simple DIY costume that will be a great choice for any cosplay event.

america chavez marvel character

Miss America (America Chavez)

Miss America, or America Chavez, is a superhero in the Marvel comics. Raised by her parents in the Utopian Parallel, she absorbed her powers from Demiurge’s magic. Her abilities include super strength, super speed, and flight. Another one of her abilities, star blast, projects a star with an incredible energy blast that was capable of wounding Captain Marvel! Miss America is on the current roster of the Young Avengers. Additionally, she makes history as the first Latina LGBTQ character to star in an ongoing series.

Holiday Pam from Brawl Stars

Holiday Pam from Brawl Stars

In Brawl Stars, Pam is a tough mother figure with a retro style who attacks enemies with bursts of scrap metal and heals her teammates with “Mama’s Kiss”. In her new holiday skin, Pam is ready for a hot summer day on the beach, with a water gun backpack and picnic basket.

mary winchester from supernatural

Mary Winchester from Supernatural

Mary Winchester (played by Samantha Smith) is the mother of Sam and Dean on the CW’s Supernatural.  In the earliest seasons of the show, Mary is shown mostly in flashbacks, as she was murdered by the Yellow Eyed Demon when Sam was a baby.  However, she is later resurrected by The Darkness as a favor for Dean.  When she was originally killed, Mary wore a white nightgown.  As a hunter, she opts for sensible clothing that moves well and a sharp machete or other appropriate weapon.

Jacky from Brawl Stars

Jacky from Brawl Stars

In Brawl Stars, Jacky is construction worker who jumps on her jackhammer like a pogo stick to deal area damage. It combos well with her holey moley super, which pulls in enemies in a radius around. But safety first! Jacky is always equipped with enough protective equipment — a helmet, ear muffs, safety goggles, work gloves, and steel-toed boots — to make OSHA proud.

Pucca from Pucca


Pucca is the main character of her self-titled show. She is a capable and powerful martial artist who opts to support her friend – and crush – Garu in his own martial arts pursuits. She tends to be clingy and follows him around. He isn’t too keen on this even though she saves him from trouble time and again. Like Garu, many people make the mistake of underestimating Pucca. With her black leggings, red dress, pink cheeks, and hair buns she is the epitome of cute. Just don’t make her angry!

Supernova from Rick and Morty

Supernova from Rick and Morty

Supernova (voiced by Gillian Jacobs) is a collapsed star-turned-superheroine. With a complicated love life and spotted past, she’s not what you might first think of as a hero. But she’s powerful and she tries to do what the Vindicators think is right. Mostly.

As a collapsing star she is like a galaxy unto herself. Her body and hair are both the swirls of color associated with galaxy print while she opts for silver boots, gloves, and accessories.

emma from dave

Emma from Dave

On the TV show Dave, Emma (played by Christine Ko) is Ally‘s roommate and friend.  Emma offers colorful commentary, and even more colorful clothing to the show, while also providing Dave with unique artwork for his live performances.  Emma and Elz hook up at the start of episode 7, and she borrows a grey t-shirt from him for the ride home.  Emma dons bright vintage-inspired clothing and wears her hair in two space buns.  Replicating Emma’s vintage sweaters could be difficult without a trip to a thrift store, making this costume a perfect opportunity to check out your local vintage scene.

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