Bomberman – also known as Shiroban, White Bomber, or Cheerful White, is the main protagonist in the game Bomberman. While the game was originally put out by Konami, Bomberman also makes an appearance as a non-playable character in Super Smash Bros from Nintendo. He doesn’t have much to say but that hasn’t stopped the guy from becoming a fan favorite!
Bomberman’s costume takes a little bit of DIY but it’s worth it for this fun cosplay. Most of the DIY centers on the pink ball above his head. You can copy this look by gluing a lightweight ball to the top of a foam cylinder cut from a longer length of foam. You can then glue the other end of the cylinder to the hood of your body suit or, if you want to use the body suit for multiple costumes, you can glue the cylinder to a white headband.
The rest of the costume is just a matter of layers! A white bodysuit makes up the base while black face paint can mimic Bomberman’s eyes. On top of the body suit you’ll want a purple unitard and a black belt with a gold buckle. Finally add on the pink gloves and pink shoe covers. That’s all it takes to cosplay this jolly little guy. Boom, easy!