Makima from Chainsaw Man
Makima is a character of the best-selling manga, Chainsaw Man. Illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the series was serialized in the weekly Shonen Jump magazine for two years until December 2020. Chainsaw Man takes place in a world where devils are born from fears. Maikma is the head of Public Safety Divison 4. Cunning and intelligent, she manipulates Denji by using his attraction to guarantee his obedience. Later on, she is revealed to be the Control Devil, who embodies the fear of domination. Enamored by Chainsaw Man, she wants to create a world without suffering. She tries to break Denji down by causing the misfortunes in his life, but he defeats her. She gets reborn as a child called Nayuta, and in his care, she will be raised as a better person.