steve blum

“Tank” Dempsey from Call of Duty: Black Ops

Corporal “Tank” Dempsey (voiced by Steve Blum) is a character from the Call of Duty franchise.  Tank is a Marine who eventually becomes a test subject at Group 935’s Siberian Facility alongside Takeo Masaki and Nikolai Belinski.  Tank looks the part of a Marine with close cropped hair, and a khaki colored uniform.  He wears a utility belt across his chest.

Mugen from Samurai Champloo

Mugen (voiced by Kazuya Nakai and Steve Blum) is one of the three main characters from Samurai Champloo.  Cantankerous, violent, and unpredictable, Mugen joins forces with Jin to help Fuu find the sunflower samurai.  Mugen has dark messy hair and wears grey hakama cut short, a white shirt that laces in the front, and a red yukata-style jacket.  He also wears geta sandals and wields a double-edged tsurugi sword, which you can purchase a replica of.  Lastly, Mugen has blue banded tattoos around his wrists and ankles, which you can recreate with body paint.

Onizuka Eikichi from Great Teacher Onizuka

Eikichi Onizuka from Great Teacher Onizuka

Eikichi Onizuka (voiced by Wataru Tagaki and Steve Blum) is the main character of Great Teacher Onizuka.  Eikichi was formerly a delinquent and the leader of the Onibaku bike gang, though he later aspires to teaching after a run-in with a pretty girl at a mall.  Eikichi wears many outfits throughout the series, though one of his most recognizable might be the white suit and red tie he wears to teach a troublesome high school class.

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