talia al ghul

Talia Al Ghul

Talia Al Ghul is a character from the DC Comics, often affiliated with the Batman and the Gotham universe. She has an on again-off again romantic fling with Batman, and together they have Damian Wayne, aka Robin. However, she is the daughter of the supervillian Ra’s Al Ghul, which makes her more of an anti-hero. Incredibly intelligent and charismatic, Talia is a formidable opponent. She even joins the League of Assassins. Her abilities include master martial arts skills and swordsmanship. After being killed and resurrected in the Lazarus Pit, she now ages slower than normal.

Bombshell Talia al Ghul

Talia al Ghul is the daughter of the supervillian, Ra’s al Ghul, who trained Batman. In DC Bombshells, Talia is depicted as a beautiful, but deadly, harem girl that was a popular pinup theme in the 1940’s. This look is enhanced by bellydance accessories, bright colors, and ornate jewelry.

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