Rex from Airheads

Rex (played by Steve Buscemi) is the bassist for the Lone Rangers in the movie Airheads.  Rex along with his friends and bandmates Chazz and Pip holds a radio station hostage in a bid to have the band’s demo tape heard by producers.  Rex has many bad tattoos on his arms and wears black jeans with combat boots and a distressed “Road Kill Café” t-shirt.  If roadkill isn’t your thing, you could use any dark distressed t-shirt in your arsenal to evoke a similar effect.  If you choose to wear a fake goatee as part of your costume, make sure to get a good skin-safe adhesive like spirit gum as well as remover to ensure it looks great, but also doesn’t hurt coming off.

Chazz Darby from Airheads

Chazz Darby (played by Brendan Fraser) is the lead singer and guitarist for the band the Lone Rangers in the ’90s film Airheads.  Alongside his fellow bandmates Pip and Rex, Chazz takes control of a local radio station in order to give his band’s music some airtime.  Chazz has long hair and wears a headband to keep it off his face, a leather jacket, as well as multiple rings and necklaces to complete his quintessentially rockstar look.  Finding Chazz’s exact t-shirt is going to be nearly impossible, so you could use this opportunity to bust out a truly vintage ’90s tee from your collection with a vintage vibe, or shoot for something in a distressed wash in a similar shade of light purple.


Pool boy by day and drummer by night, Pip embraces ’90s fashion in Airheads. Combining sleeveless flannel shirts with oversized shorts, this wanna be rock star isn’t the brightest member of the Lone Rangers but at least he’s fun to recreate. When else are you going to get to wear a shell necklace without someone making fun of you?

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