Mike from Mystery Science Theater 3000

In the not too distant future, Mike Nelson takes over as the human test subject in the renewal of Mystery Science Theater 3000. He is a temp worker from Wisconsin employed by Gizmonics. When Joel escapes the Satellite of Love, the mad scientists knock Mike unconscious and send him up to continue the experiment. Fortunately the original robots keep him company as he’s tormented with cheesy movies. He’s more gullible and cynical than Joel. When Mike returns to Earth, Jonah becomes the successor to the experiment. Mike wears multiple colors in jumpsuits, either green, blue, or brown, but we stuck with the classic blue in this guide.

Jonah from Mystery Science Theater 3000

In the not too distant future, Jonah Heston takes over as the human test subject in the renewal of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The first episode explains he was formerly an ore transporter and inventor for Gizmonic Institute. A perceived emergency brings him to a moon station, but it was a trick from the new villains! He is then transported to the original spaceship to renew the torture. Like Joel, he will be forced to watch bad sci-fi movies until he goes insane. Fortunately, the original robots are there to provide humor and companionship. Jonah hosted the show from 2017-2018.

Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000

In the not too distant future, there lives a man named Joel Robison, who is the main character of Mystery Science Theater 3000. He works at Gizmonic Institute as the janitor. His evil bosses shoot him into space and force him to watch cheesy science fiction movies. To try and remain sane, he builds sentient robots from old spaceship parts. Two of these bots, Crow and Tom Servo, watch the movies with Joel, and they all make wisecracks at the bad acting and storylines. The other two bots, GPC and Cambot, run production and camerawork. Joel is the first human test subject, and appears in the first 107 episodes before Mike takes his place.

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