Dennis Reynolds as Dayman

Of all the characters in Nightman Cometh, Dennis Reynolds was the only one to undergo a transformation. From little boy to Dayman, Dennis channeled his inner Ziggy Stardust and stole the show while wearing an erotic silver unitard.

The 10th Doctor

After regenerating, the 10th Doctor traded in the 9th Doctor’s leathers for a pinstriped suit and a pair of Chucks. Although more gregarious than his previous incarnation, this Doctor still let the universe know if you threatened his friends, there was a reason his enemies called him the Oncoming Storm.

Donna Noble

Accidentally drawn onto the Doctor’s ship on her wedding day, Donna Noble never thought she’d see the lonely alien man again. But unable to get him out of her mind, she began searching for him wherever something strange or paranormal cropped up, eventually joining him as a full-time companion.

Martha Jones

Companion to The 10th Doctor, med student Martha Jones didn’t exactly expect her life to be interrupted by an alien in a blue box. Nor did she realize following him on a whim would lead her on a universe-spanning adventure and give her the skills to save the entire world.

Dr. Gregory House

Dr. Gregory House is the head of Diagnostic Medicine at Princeton Plainsboro Hospital. His brilliance and ability to crack seemingly unsolvable cases makes him a doctor in high demand (in spite of his cynical, sarcastic, and offensive personality.) He is often seen popping Vicodin to alleviate his leg pain that also causes his limp.

Rita Leeds

In Arrested Development, Michael Bluth falls madly in love with Rita Leeds (Charlize Theron) due to her British accent and sweet charm. It’s only after he asks her to marry him that all of the pieces fall into place and he realizes that she has a wee brain.

Steve Holt

Like so many girls, Maebe Funke has a crush on Steve Holt, star quarterback and third-year senior. It isn’t long before Maebe’s mother Lindsay develops feelings for him too. Little do they know that he might be their cousin/nephew. Steve Holt!

The Ambiguously Gay Duo

Ace and Gary are the Ambiguously Gay Duo! Every night, they get stuck in tight situations together while crossing swords with supervillain Bighead. What’s everybody looking at?

Stuart Larkin

Stuart Douglas Larkin is a creepy, overgrown little boy played by MAD TV’s Michael McDonald. He has frequent temper tantrums, which can cross over into his “dark place” on occasion.

John Watson

Sherlock Holmes’s flatmate and blogger seems harmless enough when you first meet him, but don’t let the frumpy exterior and questionable taste in sweaters fool you. Underneath the plaid and knits is a sharp-eyed ex-soldier and adrenaline junkie who loves the chase almost as much as his partner-in-crime-solving does.

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