Aiden Pearce DIY Costume Guide
In the video game Watch Dogs, Aiden Pearce hacks computer systems in order to bring justice to those responsible for his niece's death. Don't let the baseball cap fool you — Aiden is a gray hat hacker all the way.
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If you want to be super accurate with it he probably would of had an android phone. Because you can root an android and do real life hacking with it.
There needs to be more accuracy involved a little bit, but it’s otherwise complete accurate with the character’s costume. The phone needs to be a similar Android model from the same year the game came out, and it can be rooted to do realistic hacking to a point. Since smart cities are not connected together to a highly secured large scale corporate computer system yet, it’s impossible to breach city-wide infrastructure like traffic lights or steam pipelines.
A company called IBM is currently inventing a creation similar to Watch Dogs’s style of computer controlled infrastructure ctos, Ubisoft’s game just showed us a realistic future of what society could be functioning off of something like this.
Great point about using an Android mode for accuracy. Would be more affordable too!