Cornet Espoir from the Marl Kingdom Games Costume

Cornet Espoir from the Marl Kingdom Games

Cornet (voiced by Koaru Fujino in the original games and Sarah Thomas in the English dubs) is a sweet village girl with a gift for talking to puppets and making her wishes come true. She is the main character in the first Marl Kingdom game, "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure". By the time of the second game Cornet is Queen of Marl, leaving the adventures to her daughter.

Long before becoming queen of Marl, Cornet's look matched her village girl life. A plaid bow in her hair matched her plaid skirt. A white turtleneck, blue vest, brown leggings, and tan boots finished off her look. She also accessorized with a simple necklace and earrings though you can leave those off or just add any you have at home. The finishing touch is a wavy honey blonde wig with bangs. Put it all together and you're ready to have adventures of your own.

Cornet Espoir from the Marl Kingdom Games Costume 12345678

About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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