Frances Ha

Frances Ha

Frances is played by Greta Gerwig and is the main character from the film Frances Ha, directed by Noah Baumbach. The film follows Frances as she navigates living in New York. We watch her face adulthood and try to achieve her dreams of becoming a dancer, but she seems to fall behind the people her age in areas like having her own apartment, a stable job, and being okay with not living with her best friend Sophie that achieves this before she does.

This film is entirely in black in white, but her personality still shines through in what pieces Frances chooses to wear. She is a big outfit-repeater, usually wearing a floral dress with leggings underneath, her signature bomber jacket with a fur collar, and without the jacket she wears a white cardigan around her waist to make her stand out against the also-gray background she’s in. When she gets her office job with the dance company in the end, she dresses professionally in a knee-length skirt and the white button down we see her wear previously that fits perfectly into her new look.

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About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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