Donna Stankowski from Unfrosted

Donna Stankowski from Unfrosted

Donna Stankowski is a character from the new film Unfrosted, and is played by Melissa McCarthy. The film takes place in colorful 1963 and follows the story of two rival cereal companies, Kellogg’s and Post as they race to create a pastry, the pop-tart.

Donna’s wardrobe is such a fun and colorful one, matching the brand and style of the 60s. To dress like Donna, wear a yellow blouse with puffy long sleeves, a plaid or tweed vest, a blue and red scarf around the neck, red skirt, and blue vintage heels.

Donna Stankowski from Unfrosted Costume 12345

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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