Adriano Zumbo DIY Costume Guide
Adriano Zumbo found his passion early and has been chasing it ever since. His show is a unique gem in Netflix's cooking show lineup, Zumbo's Just Desserts for a man who has dedicated his life to his craft. And when you consider that the man has Willy Wonka tattooed on his arm, it's easy to see where he got his inspiration from!
Zumbo's usual look is easy to pull off. Kitchen shoes, black slacks, a white t-shirt, a chef's jacket, a black middle finger ring, and a wrist cuff. It's a very straight-forward look. Zumbo sets them apart with his signature bald look and his Willy Wonka tattoo which you can copy using the printable temporary tattoo paper listed above. If you're feeling like an accessory, add a box of macarons. He is knows as the Macaron King after all!
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