Posts by Tom
Apple Store Genius
Feeling stupid about your smartphone? Then take it to a Genius. These Apple Store workers are renowned for their helpfulness as well as their disdain for Microsoft Store Gurus.
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
Burt Wonderstone is a world famous magician with a flamboyant streak. When his fame starts to fade, he’s forced to reckon with the up-and-coming street act of the dark and mysterious Steve Gray.
Wes Anderson Costume Quiz
How big of a Wes Anderson fan are you? Guess these characters by their costumes, and hover to see the answers. Careful, they get harder as you go along!
Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy is the popular and award-winning anchor for the KVWN-TV Channel 4 Evening News team. Always confident and well-dressed, he believes “diversity” to be some type of “old, old wooden ship used in the Civil War era.”
Dudley Heinsbergen
In the Royal Tenenbaums, Dudley Heinsbergen is diagnosed by Raleigh St. Clair as suffering from a rare disorder combining symptoms of amnesia, dyslexia, and color-blindness, with a highly acute sense of hearing. Welcome to Dudley’s world.
Suzy Bishop
In Moonrise Kingdom, Suzy Bishop is a 12-year old girl who likes to look at everything through binoculars – it helps her “see things closer, even if they’re not far away.” While on the run together, Sam Shakusky gives her a pair of earrings made out of scarab beetles and fish hooks.
Goosebumps Ermahgerd Girl
Alistair Hennessey
Alistair Hennessey is arch-nemesis to Steve Zissou in The Life Aquatic. True, Hennessey was once married to Zissou’s wife, but the animosity is more that he’s more handsome, rich, fashionable, and all-around successful than his counterpart.
Margot Tenenbaum
Margot is the adopted child of the Tenenbaum family, which father Royal never forgets to point out during introductions. She has a checkered past that includes a secret marriage, wooden finger, and most shocking of all, a smoking habit.
Steve Zissou
Steve Zissou, played by Bill Murray in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, is an oceanographer who makes documentaries from aboard the Belafonte. He corresponds on Steve Zissou stationery and sports Steve Zissou special edition Adidas.