Posts by Tom
Jason Brody
In Far Cry 3, Jason Brody is vacationing with friends on the Rook Islands when they’re captured by pirates. Following his near-fatal escape, he follows the path of the warrior and develops his skills so that he can rescue those he left behind.
Woman in Under the Skin
In Under the Skin, Scarlett Johansson plays a woman who travels around in a nondescript vehicle, probing random men with questions. Some even get invited back to her house, where they experience something they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.
Snake Plissken
In Escape from New York, Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is an ex-soldier given 24 hours to rescue the President from Manhattan, which has been converted to a maximum security prison. If he’s successful, he gets a presidential pardon. If not, the explosives that have been implanted in his body will be detonated.
Lt. Jim Dangle
In Reno 911!, Lt. Jim Dangle (Thomas Lennon) takes you on a ride-along as the lead deputy of the Reno Sheriff’s Department. He explains that his trademark short shorts are essential for increased mobility.
Chuck Noland in Cast Away
In Cast Away, Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is a systems engineers who travels the world making FedEx depots more efficient. On one such trip, his plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. He awakes to find himself the sole survivor on an uninhabited island, with only a volleyball he names Wilson to keep him company. Your choice of shorts or loin cloth depending on how committed you want to be.
Cooking Mama
In the eponymous Nintendo and iOS game series, Cooking Mama teaches you to chop vegetables, slice meats, flip foods in the pan, and arrange dishes. Since then, Cooking Mama has diversified into new activities like gardening, camping, and babysitting, wearing the same outfit through it all.
Buck Dewey
In Steven Universe, Buck Dewey is a resident of Beach City and the son of Mayor Bill Dewey. He has a laid back personality and is open-minded, although he does dislike “nasty stuff”.
Green Arrow
In Arrow, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is Green Arrow, a billionaire playboy who dons a costume and fights crime. Sounds a lot like another guy we know. No surprise that his weapon of choice is the bow and arrow.
Sexy Sax Man
Sexy Sax Man Sergio Flores is known for showing up in unexpected places, like mall food courts, where he’s known to serenade a baby with that sexy George Michael song Careless Whisper.
Green Goblin
In Spider-Man 3, Harry Osborn (James Franco) is the dedicated son of Norman Osborn. Believing that his father was murdered by Spider-Man, and because Spider-Man is really his best friend Peter Parker, Harry decides to battle him directly as the new Green Goblin.