Bibi Garvey from Bad Sisters DIY Costume Guide

Bibi Garvey from Bad Sisters

Bibi Garvey (played by Sarah Greene) is one of the titular siblings at the heart of the Apple TV series Bad Sisters.  One of Bibi's sisters, Grace, begins the series married to an abusive man, John Paul "JP" Williams, and it is Bibi who initially suggests she and her other siblings should take matters into their own hands.  Bibi lost an eye during a car accident involving JP as the drivier of the vehicle.  Bibi's style tends to be less flashy than her sisters Becka and Eva, but she still dresses well throughout the series.  For Grace's wedding to her second husband, Bibi dons a pale yellow outfit and heels.  During a meetup with her sisters, she wears black jeans, sneakers, and a blue and green sweater.  No matter which outfit you choose to recreate, a black eye patch and some sardonic wit are the most important parts of your costume.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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