Sirius Black from Harry Potter
Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot, is a character in theĀ Harry Potter book and movie series. As a student at Hogwarts, he was part of the Marauders with Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Petter Pettigrew. When framed for murdering the Potters, he is sent to Azkaban, becoming the infamous Prisoner of Azkaban. He escaped by transforming into his Animagus, a large black dog. He is brave and loyal, but he has a temper and can be quite reckless. As his godfather, Sirius is protective and endearing towards Harry. Bellatrix Lestrange kills Sirius in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.
Galadriel is a character inĀ The Lord of the Rings. Possessing exceptional beauty and wisdom, she is one of the greatest elves of Middle Earth. She is also extremely powerful. In fact, her magical abilities are akin to that of Gandalf. This is in part to her possession of one of the Great Rings, Nenya, or the Ring of Adamant. She is admired by everyone, especially Gimli, who is in awe of her magnificent presence. Her mirror allows seekers to see possible events of the future. Galadriel gives each member of the Fellowship an Elven cloak as well as a gift. She gifts Frodo with a phial that shines bright in the dark. You can use a crystal rose quartz as her phial. In the film adaptation, Cate Blanchett plays this role.
Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
Remus Lupin is a character in the Harry Potter book and movie series. In the Prisoner of Azkaban, he becomes the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. While he is a compassionate and good natured man, he was cursed with lycanthropy during his childhood. He keeps it a secret until Hermione Granger realizes why his boggart is a full moon. During his years as a student, he was part of the Marauders with Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter. Remus remains protective over Harry as his father was his best friend. He marries Nymphadora Tonks but they are murdered by Death Eaters in the Battle of Hogwarts.
Sage from Disney’s Star Darlings
Sage (voiced by Libe Barer) is a main protagonist in Disney’s Star Darlings, and a student at Starling Academy studying to be a Wish-Granter. Sage is also a member of the Starling Academy Band, where she plays guitar. Sage is a great costume for anyone who loves glitter and the color purple, as her entire appearance is based around the shade. As with all Starlings, her skin is somewhat sparkly, so don’t skimp on the body glitter for this look.
Tanith Low from Skulduggery Pleasant
Tanith Low is a Hidden Blade magic user skilled in combat, stealth, walking on walls (and sitting on ceilings), and swordsmanship. She’s an ally of Skulduggery Pleasant and the honorary big sister of Pleasant’s apprentice, Valkyrie Cain. It is, in fact, Tanith, who first inspired Valkyrie to pick her name after casually using the phrase “raising Cain” (making trouble).
Stanley Yelnats from Holes
Stanley Yelnats the Fourth is the fourth in line to receive a curse of bad luck that has plagued his family for decades. As chronicled in Louis Sachar’s Holes and the film adaptation starring Shia LaBeouf (who is not actually a cannibal, for the record), young Stanley happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, gets framed for theft, and winds up at a juvenile detention center called Camp Green Lake. As Stanley soon learns, it is neither a camp, nor is there a lake. All there is is a great expanse of dry land, dotted with holes dug by Green Lake’s young, troubled inmates.
In the book, Stanley Yelnats starts off with a stockier build, and his weight decreases with the hard labor of his punishment. In the movie, Shia Labeouf’s scenes were filmed out of order to represent the character’s fluctuating weight. As such, his clothing becomes quite baggy with time. We recommend buying Stanley’s costume pieces in a size up.
Princess Buttercup
Princess Buttercup is the heroine of both the book and the movie, The Princess Bride. In the beginning, she has a budding romance with the farm boy, Westley. But then Prince Humperdinck whisks her away to become his bride. Buttercup is headstrong and reluctant, as she is still in love with Westley. At the same time, she is often frightened and impressionable, and her outspoken personality gets her into trouble. Under the guise of Dread Pirate Roberts, he rescues her, motivated by their love. Robin Wright plays her in the movie adaptation.
Tauriel from The Hobbit
Tauriel (played by Evangeline Lily) is a career soldier. She is loyal to her people and the Middle Earth as a whole. Her loyalty to good is so strong that it lands her at odds with her own leader but she still has to do what’s right.
Cosplaying Tauriel is much the same as cosplaying any Tolkien. A green tunic, brown braces, brown quiver, brown leather vest, and brown boots make up her clothing. An elven bow and blade are her weapons of choice. And of course no Tauriel costume would be complete without her long ginger hair and pointy ears. The ears featured above are blue as a base color so that ever cosplayer can customize them to their specific skin tone.
Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain is Skulduggery Pleasant‘s young protege in elemental magic. Born Stephanie Edgley to a fairly average Irish family, she took on a new name inspired by the phrase “raising Cain” (making trouble). She accompanies her mentor throughout an ongoing series of adventures (chronicled faithfully by the incomparable author Derek Landy), spanning her early adolescence through adulthood. Her costume is specially made by a magical tailor who designed it to be highly durable and protective — a necessity in Valkyrie’s field.
Melvin Sneedly from Captain Underpants
Melvin Sneedly (voiced by Jorge Diaz in the TV show and by Jordan Peele in the movie) is the central antagonist of the Captain Underpants series.Ā Melvin is incredibly smart, but is also a tattletale, which often puts him at odds with his fellow classmates, including Harold Hutchins.Ā There is some variation in Melvin’s costume, depending on which version you choose, but he always wears oversized glasses and a bow tie.