
Samwise Gamgee

Samwise “Sam” Gamgee is a main character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is a Hobbit who joins the Fellowship of the Ring and its quest to destroy it and defeat Sauron. He is a gardener in the Shire. When Gandalf catches Sam eavesdropping on his conversation with Frodo, he demands he partake in the journey. He becomes Frodo’s closest companion, and carries him up Mount Doom to cast the Ring into the fire. Sam is not affected by the Ring’s persuasion because he is morally good. In the movie adaptations of Tolkien’s novels, Sean Astin plays this role.

Gawain from The Green Knight

Gawain and the Green Knight is a classic Arthurian tale. And like Arthur himself, the knights have been gaining new audiences as their tales are once again retold.  Written for the screen  by David Lowery and starring the incredible Dev Patel, the movie is billed as a fantasy retelling of an already fantastical tale. And one can only hope Gawain fares is well in the adaptation as in the original, green sash and all.

Gawain has a yellow cloak that can be reproduced with golden fabric, or a white capelet and Rit dye. Because this movie is stylized and not aimed at perfect historical accuracy, a set of fold-top leather boots (which are great in other cosplays) are also perfect for the costume, as well as a pair of black pants, a chain mail shirt, and a black tunic. A sword and scabbard can be slid into a a medieval belt and you’re ready for your own Arthurian adventure.

James from Twilight

James is the main antagonist in Twilight. He is a vampire with incredible tracking abilities, which Laurent describes as lethal. When he discovers Bella is human, he commits to hunting her down. It’s up to Edward and the other Cullens to stop him so Bella will be safe. Cam Gigandet portrays James in the movie adaptation. Tie the blond wig into a ponytail using a hair elastic.


Laurent from Twilight

Laurent is a character in the Twilight saga. He is a vampire in the nomadic coven with James and Victoria. During the chase, Laurent betrays them by helping the Cullens. After the encounter, he joins the Denali coven, who are also vegetarians, and falls for Irina. In New Moon, he returns to seek the Cullens to help Victoria take revenge, but he finds they have left Forks. However, he finds Bella in the meadow and decides to devour her himself. Just in of time, Jacob and the wolf pack spring into action and kill him. Edi Gathegi portrays Laurent in the movie adaptations. This guide features both of his outfits.

Gimli LOTR Character


Gimli is a character in The Lord of the Rings. He is part of the Fellowship of the Ring, the group that journeyed to Mordor to cast the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom. He is a dwarf, namely the son of Glóin, who had been one of Bilbo Baggins‘ companions in The Hobbit. As a result of his friendship with Legolas, he is one of the only dwarves who willingly fight alongside the elves. His preferred weapon is an axe, and he seems to enjoy battle. After their victory, he was given lordship of the Glittering Caves at Helm’s Deep. John Rhys-Davies plays this role in the film adaptation.

elrond the hobbit character

Elrond in The Hobbit

Elrond is a minor character in The Hobbit. He is the wise and noble half-elf who rules Rivendell, as its original founder. He is also the father of Arwen. He offers shelter to  Bilbo Baggins and his company of dwarves. He befriends Bilbo and gives him advice for his quest. When Bilbo leaves The Shire for good, Elrond gives him permanent residence in Rivendell. In the film adaptation, Hugo Weaving plays this role. Elrond appears again with a more pivotal role in Lord of the Rings. 

Hester from the School for Good and Evil

Hester from The School for Good and Evil

Hester is the daughter of a distinguished witch. Perhaps one of the most distinguished witches, specifically the one who lived in a gingerbread house. After losing her mother and arriving at the School for Evil, however, Hester begins to build her own legacy and set herself up as a distinguished student in her own right.

In the first book of the series Hester is describes as ” a tall girl with greasy black hair streaked red, black lipstick, a ring in her nose, and a terrifying tattoo of a buck-horned, red-skulled demon around her neck”. She is also said to have black eyes and dress in the black robes the students wear in the School for Evil.

The nose ring is easily replicated with a fake that pinches your nose and black lipstick is a must for the costume. Her black eyes, however, should only be replicated using contacts from a certified opthometrist as the low-cost versions off the internet carry serious risks to your eyes. To replicate her hair you’ll want to get a wig and some clip-in red extensions. Pomade can replicate a greasy look or you can leave that part out.

The robes aren’t described in great detail so a fairly plain witch’s costume is suggested. They range from witches robes to the kind of dark dress and collar that someone with Hester’s style might prefer.

Finally you’ll need body paint to recreate her tattoo. Then you’re ready to go off and take your own classes at the School for Evil.

Charlie Swan from Twilight

Charlie Swan is a character in the Twilight saga. He is the father of Bella Swan, who he had with his ex-wife, Renee Dwyer. He resides in Forks, Washington as the chief of police. His fatherly instinct and occupation make him incredibly protective over Bella. Though he doesn’t quite know how to show it, Charlie loves his only daughter dearly. At first, he doesn’t quite approve of Edward, but seeing he makes her happy, he eases up. When Edward leaves in New Moon, he encourages her to hang out with Jacob, hoping for a romance between them. Eventually he becomes the grandfather of Reneeseme. His hobbies include fishing, drinking beer, and visiting his closest friend, Billy Black. Many fans support his character, hence the term Team Charlie. In the movie adaptations, Billy Burke portrays this role.

Jessica Stanley from Twilight

Jessica Stanley is a minor character in the Twilight saga. She is a human who attends Forks High School and befriends Bella Swan on her first day. When they eat lunch together, Jessica explains what she knows about the “freakish” Cullens. Like every girl in school, she thinks Edward is incredibly attractive, but according to her, no one is good enough for him. When Edward starts paying attention to Bella, she becomes jealous, but she still remains a friend, eventually attending Bella and Edward’s wedding in the last novel. Besides, she has a bigger crush on Mike Newton. All in all, despite being a slight braggart and gossip, Jessica is your average teenage girl. In addition to Bella, her other friends include Angela Weber and Eric Yorkie. Pitch Perfect star Anna Kendrick portrays Jessica in the movie adaptations.

Victoria from Twilight

Victoria is a character from the Twilight saga. We are first introduced to her at the baseball game: a vampire in James’ coven and his mate. When the Cullens killed James, Victoria vows revenge and sets out to kill Bella Swan. In the sequels, she creates an army of newborns to go after the Olympic coven. For the first time in history, vampires and werewolves work together to bring Victoria down. Her plan backfires, and she is killed by Edward and werewolf Seth Clearwater. Her personality was described as calculating and sinister, in which she used her beauty and innocent voice to lure in victims. Her power was enhanced self-preservation meaning she could easily escape from danger. Rachel Lefevre plays Victoria in the first two movies, yet the role was recast for Bryce Dallas Howard in the third.

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