Capricorn DIY Costume Guide


Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th) is the Cardinal earth sign and 10th on the zodiac wheel. Capricorns, symbolized by the sea goat, are skilled navigators of both material and emotional realms. Capricorns are very serious goal oriented creatures with the strive to climb to the top and succeed at every task. If they put their mind to it they can achieve great things. The planet Saturn which rules over time, social order, and conformity has quite a hold on Capricorn which is why many believe Capricorn to be too career driven. When Capricorn learns to make a little time for play they tend to thrive. This costume features a pop of iridescent color from the pleated green midi skirt, while the rest of the outfit jumps between with black and white with silver accessories. Worn together it is a great unique choice for any Capricorn on Halloween.

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