Piella Bakewell
Piella Bakewell was once the star of the Bake-O-Lite slimming bread commercials but loses her job when the Bake-O-Lite Balloon can no longer support her growing waistline. She seeks revenge on the bread industry in A Matter of Loaf or Death by murdering a baker’s dozen, the last of whom includes Wallace.
Tintin is a young reporter who’s drawn to dangerous adventures but always manages to make it through with a combination of bravery, quick thinking, and good luck. He doesn’t have much of a family, but his faithful dog Snowy and the friends he meets along the way are more than enough for him.
Ramona Flowers
In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the mysterious Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) has seven evil exes and a lot going on with her attire. Though she’s not into sharing much about her life, Ramona is into layering her clothes and changing her hair color, a lot. Of course, if you’re into her look but not into dyeing your hair, not to mention your bathroom sink, you can always opt for a wig.
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim has other things to concern himself with other than his wardrobe, like playing bass and fighting Ramona’s seven evil exes. Thus, he keeps what he’s wearing as simple as his mind. His only real accessory is a wristband to match his ringer T-shirts but maybe that means he does care about fashion, just a little.
Marshall Lee
In Adventure Time, Marshall Lee the Vampire King is the gender-swapped version of Marceline. Like most vampires, he can turn into a bat and is hurt by the sun. Besides drinking blood, he likes to suck the pink filling from cream puffs.
April O’Neil
Meet April O’Neil, a passionate and headstrong reporter for Channel 6 News who’s a good friend to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. For unknown reasons, she wears a yellow jumpsuit on the job and remains friends with the insufferable Irma.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones is a vigilante in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics, who initially clashes with Raphael. He eventually becomes a member of the Turtles’ group and the love interest of April O’Neil. Bad guys better beware when you hear “Goongala!”
Roxanne “Roxie” Richter
Half-ninja and the fourth evil ex of Ramona Flowers, Roxie Richter (Mae Whitman) embraces the line between industrial goth and lazy ninja. Dressed in all black, save for the silver belt and red lipstick, you can easily steal her look from a trip to Hot Topic and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Although, you may have to put holes in the tights yourself. Bonus points if you can do it while disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Todd Ingram
Todd Ingram is the bass player for the Clash at Demonhead, and Ramona Flowers’ third ex-boyfriend in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. He cheats on both Envy Adams and veganism, defeated by a cup of coffee that has half and half instead of soy milk.