Alexander Gumuchian, aka bbno$ (pronounced baby no money) is a Canadian rapper, singer, and songwriter. Born in Vancouver, he is best known for his freestyle raps and signature pink beanie/round glasses. His single, “Lalala,” which began as messing around with producer Y2K in the studio, unexpectedly went viral as a a Tiktok sensation. It now has over 600 million plays on Spotify. He often collaborates with fellow rapper Yung Gravy.
Lirael from the Abhorsen Trilogy
Lirael is the only young woman in her commune, the Clayr, who has not yet manifested her people’s ability of clairvoyance. As she gets older, she comes into her own as an assistant librarian, proudly wearing the red robes of her position. (The library, full of books on magic, empowers her with other skills.) Given the lack of acceptance from her peers, Lirael and her magical canine friend take a journey to learn the truth of her past.
Janana from Papa Louie
Janana is one of Papa Louie’s most loyal customers. And, as her name implies, she’s just bananas about, well bananas. But that’s not all Janana likes. She is wild about toppers on her orders. Even more than toppers, though, she is crazy about music. Ever since getting a job at the local record place in high school, Janana has been big in the local music scene. Big enough that she’s now the agent for Scarlett and the Shakers!
Janana has to main looks. They are very similar which makes it easy to switch between the two if you want to. The biggest difference is the color of her coveralls and the addition of a black checkered sweater over her blue coveralls.
Striped coveralls are hard to come across so your best bet is a little bit of DIY. White coveralls and fabric paint make it easy to whip up the exact look you need. With the purple coveralls you will need to tie your black checkered sweater around your waist whereas it can be worn with the blue coveralls. With both looks you’ll want to wear a yellow shirt under your coveralls, white sneakers with black toes and a yellow laces, a black choker, and square glasses. Both looks also require a blonde wig styled back in a ponytail.
A black belt is visible in the second look though it’s likely worn with both looks and just covered up in the purple outfit. Janana’s legs are also hard to see so we can’t be sure but this is a good looks to wear black leggings with if you want something covering your legs.
Ice Climbers
Popo and Nana are a brother and sister that first appeared in the self-titled NES game Ice Climbers. Since then they’ve been largely out of use except for an appearance as playable characters in Super Smash Bros. And, according to rumor, a possible new Switch game.
The siblings dress alike, though Popo prefers blue and Nana prefers pink. Both wear parkas with matching pants and boots. They also carry large wooden mallets to help them in their adventures.
You can of course wear a parka for your costume. But since most conventions are indoors – and all that walking gets warm – you can recreate the look with a long hooded. No matter which you choose, however, you will need to add fake fur trim around the hood, hem, and sleeves.
In addition to your preferred top you will need leggings that match the color of your parka as well as a matching pair of boots and a mallet. Of course you wouldn’t wear leggings to actually climb a mountain. But for the sake of comfort while cosplaying, they’re your best bet here!
Rasputin/Russian Man from Just Dance 2
Rasputin/Russian Man is the dancing avatar in Just Dance, most obviously for the song “Rasputin (Club Mix)” by Boney M. and G. Mart. While it’s unknown whether the performer is Rasputin or some random guy, he wears traditional Russian garb, namely a Papacha (Russian winter cap). He dances on a frozen lake in front of a winter landscape, and what appears to be St. Basil’s Cathedral, one of the most famous buildings in Moscow, Russia. For whatever reason, this dance has become a meme, from viral Tiktoks to a remix with “WAP” by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion.
Glitchtrap from Five Nights at Freddy’s
Glitchtrap is the main antagonist in the video game Five Nights at Freddy’s VR: Help Wanted. Also referred to as The Anomaly by Tape Girl, he is a digital virus confirmed to be William Afton, the original antagonist/murderer in the storyline. Whether Glitchtrap is copy, iteration, or remnant of William Afton remains unknown. In the Fazbear Virtual Experience, Glitchtrap is trapped inside the virtual game, and the goal is to merge with the player in order to escape the digital world. If this costume is for a child, you can start with the brown bunny suit as a base.
Destiny from Sandman
Like his siblings (collectively known as The Endless) Destiny’s name is also what he is. He is Destiny. Or the personification thereof at least. He is the calmest of his siblings and often plays host when the group has to gather for any reason.
Putting together a Destiny costume can be a little tricky as his cloak is depicted in shades of grey, brown, and even purple. As the nature of destiny changes, so does Destiny’s appearance. For this cosplay we’re choosing a brown cloak to match the image above. Invisible soles let you safely achieve a barefoot look while white body paint gives you an inhuman Endless look. A thick leather bound book with a chain leading out from it is the final and only accessory for this cosplay.
Liliruca Arde
Liliruca Arde, or “Lili” for short, is a character in the anime Is It Wrong to Try and Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Originally, Lili was a member of the Soma Familia. However, after receiving her freedom following the War Game, she converted to the Hestia Familia. Considered the “brain” of the Familia, she is incredibly strategic and resourceful. Lili often uses her experience to gather information and complete tasks. She’s quite amazed at how often Bell gets himself into trouble.
Fuka Reventon from ViVid Strike!
Fuka Reventon (voiced by Inori Minase) is a magical martial artist in the ViVid Strike! anime series. Fuka is apprenticed to Einhard Stratos. Fuka’s normal appearance is relatively straightforward, but cosplaying her Adult Mode with Barrier Jacket will take a little more patience and creativity. To recreate the top of her look, you can layer a black crop tank with a white leather vest painted with green leather paint to match the stripes. For the bottom portion of the outfit, layer a pair of black shorts with a white leather skirt, split open in the front if possible and painted with the same green paint as the vest. Then, you can add a ruffled petticoat with a train, though you will need to cut some material from the front to create the v-split. Finally, add a black leather waist harness to pull the look together.
Will Simpson from Jessica Jones
Will Simpson (played by Wil Traval) is an antagonist-turned-protagonist over the first two seasons of Jessica Jones. In the show he is a cop with the NYPD who is first brainwashed by Kilgrave and then recruited by a secret government project to test pills that cause supersoldier-like abilities with a nasty set of side effects.
This storyline is adapted from the Marvel Comics character Frank Simpson also known as Nuke. He is depicted as a foil to Captain America to such a degree that the two go up against each other more than once. The second time is in Captain America #14 (2013) when Cap defeats Nuke while uttering the poignant truth, “Patriotism taken too far is fanaticism”.
Portraying this contrast in the Netflix show is a little harder than it is with the comics since Cap never makes an appearance in any Netflix run. The show runners did manage it, however, though some clever costuming. In fact Will Simpson’s most memorable costume is almost identical to that worn by Steve Rogers while on the run in Captain America: Civil War. The big difference comes down to the behaviors they display and the pills Simpson takes.
Aside from the pills the cosplay for Simpson is very easy. A dark grey baseball cap, light grey shirt, and basic jeans all pair well with aviator sunglasses, a brown leather jacket, a brown leather belt, and brown leather shoes. If you do choose to take something along that resembles Simpson’s supersoldier pills, please do not use real medication. Mike and Ikes candy look close enough and come in all the same colors (plus a few extra you get to eat whenever you want!)