Moonrise Kingdom Narrator

Bob Balaban plays the unnamed narrator in Moonrise Kingdom. This man, who is bundled up for the cold outdoors, is your guide to the history, geography, and experience of New Penzance.

Francis Whitman

In the Darjeeling Limited, Francis Whitman (Owen Wilson) is the oldest of three brothers on a spiritual journey through India. The brothers quarrel over his controlling nature, which includes everything from holding their passports to ordering their meals for them. Things aren’t all dandy for Francis either, who gets one of his $3,000 dress shoes stolen by a shoeshine boy. Come on!

Brutus from Gentlemen Broncos

In Gentlemen Broncos, aspiring sci-fi writer Benjamin Purvis has his story stolen by his idol. The famed Ronald Chevalier keeps nearly everything else the same, but changes the protagonist from a manly hero named Bronco to an effeminate one named Brutus.

Andy Warhol

Considered by many to be the godfather of pop art, Andy Warhol’s artistic style and fashion sense continue to be copied decades after his death. Don’t worry, art school is not required in order to look like an artist. All you need is a black turtleneck, a pair of wayfarer eyeglasses and a Polaroid camera. Of course, art is subjective so feel free to take some pictures and claim them as your latest masterpiece.

Fred Jones

In Scooby Doo, Fred Jones is the official leader of Mystery Incorporated. The preppy blonde never forgets his orange ascot when he goes off to build traps and solve mysteries.

Daphne Blake

Daphne’s a member of the mystery solving Scooby-Doo gang, however she always seems to be the one who’s kidnapped and relying on the others to save her.


Sometimes people are pushed to the brink and for 17-year-old Carrie it was prom night. While her classmates may have thought otherwise, Carrie’s homemade prom dress was actually quite nice. However, if you don’t want to be confused for just any prom queen then you need to cover yourself in fake blood. As for acquiring telekinesis, you’re on your own with that one.


Alex and his droogs didn’t make a lot of wise choices in A Clockwork Orange. In fact, even their attire was questionable. If you’ve always wanted a reason to wear your jockstrap on the outside of your pants, then dressing like a droog is for you. Complete the outfit with a bowler hat and cane but then stop there, this is one costume where acting the part is discouraged.

David 8

In Prometheus, David 8 (Michael Fassbender) is a next generation robot from Weyland Industries capable of simulating human emotion. On the upside, he enjoys the film Lawrence of the Arabia; on the downside, he develops an ego, insecurities, jealousy and envy.

Sam Bell

In Moon, Sam Bell (played by Sam Rockwell) is at the end of his 3-year stint supervising a mining operations alone on the dark side of the moon. His only companion has been a computer named GERTY, until he starts seeing visions of “other” humans…

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