Cuphead DIY Costume Guide
Cuphead is the protagonist of a run-and-gun video game that's heavily inspired by cartoons from the 1930s. Cuphead and his brother Mugman, who look like a hybrid between Mickey Mouse and drinkware, must collect on debts to repay the devil. Use the straw as a hair accessory, or better yet make your own, and a mask while you're at it.
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can you do batman from batman vs superman 2016 [the normal batfleck suit]
No prob! Here’s a guide for the Batfleck costume.
I think mug man is the best
I think mugman is the best
Any suggestions on how to make a cuphead or mugman costume head.
you forgot the cup part
This is what we came up with.
You guys look awesome!
These look amazing! What did you use for the heads and how did you see? Through the mouth?
Any advice on how to make a cuphead head would be most appreciated!