Damien Wytte from Hooky DIY Costume Guide
Damien Wytte is the estranged older bother of Daniela and Dorian in the webtoon series Hooky. Damien is a witch originally raised amongst non-magical people. After accidentally revealing his powers, Damien's mother is nearly killed, which casues strife for his family and eventually contributes to his estrangement. Damien is the butler and eventual love interest of Prince William, who returns his feelings even though he is married to Monica. Unlike his younger siblings, Damien has white hair. He is typically depicted wearing black and his clothing becomes fancier toward the end of the series. To build your costume, start with a white wig, grey shirt, and black pants. Layer over top a tunic, cape, and belt, as well as a pair of tall combat boots. You can also work with a medieval royalty costume as your base if you'd like to create one of Damien's more regal looks.
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