Éowyn from the Lord of the Rings Costume

Éowyn from the Lord of the Rings

Éowyn (played by Miranda Otto) is the sister of Éomer in The Lord of the Rings.  She is a minor character introduced late in the series.  She is at first enamored of Aragorn, though she eventually goes on to marry Faramir.  Éowyn is incredibly strong-willed and eventually impersonates a man in order to fight with her fellow countryman.  She saves King Théodon's life and kills the Witch-King of the Nazgul, who a prophesy had said could be killed by no man.  If you're willing to really commit to your costume, feel free to dirty up your outfit and tatter your cloak for a more authentically used look.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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