Flammadask Player from Sladderdask DIY Costume Guide

Flammadask Player from Sladderdask

Sladderdask is a game of dueling where players use sticky hands to slap their opponents.  Flammadask refers to the red sticky hands that some players use, which are meant to represent the elemental power of fire.  Different colored hands may have different elemental powers associated with them.  In the Malvin Studios Sladderdask game, the Flammadask player avatar wears a red baseball cap and a red sweater with a yellow stripe across the chest.  While finding an exact match for this sweater may be difficult, using a sweater with a different colored stripe or painting one on yourself with some yellow fabric paint can achieve the same look.

Flammadask Player from Sladderdask Costume 1234567

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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