Death Eaters
In the Harry Potter universe, Death Eaters are a group of dark wizards and witches lead by Lord Voldemort and including Severus Snape who seek to wipe out the Muggle-borns. The Death Eaters first terrorize Harry Potter and friends in Goblet of Fire.
Everett from Costume Quest
Reynold from Costume Quest
Katey Greene from Dead Rising
In Dead Rising, Katey Greene is the daughter of motocross champ Chuck Greene. After being bitten by her zombified mother, Katey must be administered daily doses of Zombrex to keep herself from turning. At one point in Dead Rising 2, Katey is looked after by Stacey Forsythe in a bunker while her father goes on several missions.
Lucy from Costume Quest
Wren from Costume Quest
Fresh Sans
In the Undertale AU, Fresh!Sans is a Sans variant that dresses in epic 80s multi-color clothes. Fresh is actually a parasitic monster that has taken control of Sans, causing him to lack emotion and be unable to love. If you’re going with the latex mask, best to make your own large YOLO sunglasses. The pre-made YOLO sunglasses listed above work best if you’re going to use face-paint for Sans’s head. In this case, paint in the YOLO letters to get the best match. Other AU Sans include Error!Sans, Ink!Sans, Underswap!Sans, and Underfell!Sans.
Stacey Forsythe from Dead Rising
In Dead Rising, Stacey Forsythe (voiced by Robyn Ross) heads CURE, a controversial zombie rights activist group. She stands up for civil rights and equality for the undead, and fights to give infected survivors universal access to treatments like Zombrex. Stacey also forms an alliance with Chuck Greene and protects his daughter Katey.
Filia Medici from Skullgirls
In the 2D fighting game Skullgirls, Filia Medici is a schoolgirl who has a toothy parasite on her head named Samson. Her spiky tentacle hair, red eyes, and amnesiac condition are a result of Samson. Before Samson, she had blonde hair, and as a Skullgirl, her hair becomes bright purple.
Groundskeeper from Untitled Goose Game
In Untitled Goose Game, you as the goose must steal a set of keys from the groundskeeper and lock him out of his own garden. Completing this mission will require stealth and guile on your part. Use the brown face paint to color your nose to match the game’s coloring book aesthetics.