Iris West-Allen from The Flash Costume

Iris West-Allen from The Flash

Iris West-Allen (played by Candice Patton) is the lifelong love of Barry Allen. She takes on several roles over the course of the show but her drive to tell the truth and deliver justice never change. She is often the person coordinating the team - once she becomes involved - and even takes a turn as a hero in an alternate universe.

When cosplaying Iris, class is the name of the game. She is always well put-together and dresses fashionably in silk blouses and fitted slacks or flowing sundresses and matched sweaters. She wears her hair long and usually down with neatly done classic makeup. Iris also has a preference for stiletto high heels no matter whether she's in slacks and a blouse or a dress.

Iris West-Allen from The Flash Costume 1234

About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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