Isabella Parigi from The Lizzie McGuire Movie (What Dreams Are Made Of) Costume
Isabella Parigi is a character from the early 2000s Disney movie, The Lizzie McGuire Movie and is played by Hilary Duff. She goes on a trip with her class to Italy and lives her dream.
To dress like Isabella in the iconic scene where they sing ‘What Dreams Are Made Of’ alongside Lizzie (making this a great duo costume), wear a green reflective jacket, green skirt, and green necklace. To create the half-skirt take green, sheer sequin fabric and either pin or sew it to the top of the skirt. If you enjoy sewing or embroidery, take black embroidery thread and create the details in the shape of a X across the color and center of both sides of the jacket. Pair with a prop microphone, fishnet tights, and tall green metallic boots.
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