Janana from Papa Louie DIY Costume Guide
Janana is one of Papa Louie's most loyal customers. And, as her name implies, she's just bananas about, well bananas. But that's not all Janana likes. She is wild about toppers on her orders. Even more than toppers, though, she is crazy about music. Ever since getting a job at the local record place in high school, Janana has been big in the local music scene. Big enough that she's now the agent for Scarlett and the Shakers!
Janana has to main looks. They are very similar which makes it easy to switch between the two if you want to. The biggest difference is the color of her coveralls and the addition of a black checkered sweater over her blue coveralls.
Striped coveralls are hard to come across so your best bet is a little bit of DIY. White coveralls and fabric paint make it easy to whip up the exact look you need. With the purple coveralls you will need to tie your black checkered sweater around your waist whereas it can be worn with the blue coveralls. With both looks you'll want to wear a yellow shirt under your coveralls, white sneakers with black toes and a yellow laces, a black choker, and square glasses. Both looks also require a blonde wig styled back in a ponytail.
A black belt is visible in the second look though it's likely worn with both looks and just covered up in the purple outfit. Janana's legs are also hard to see so we can't be sure but this is a good looks to wear black leggings with if you want something covering your legs.
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