Lee Harker from Longlegs

Lee Harker from Longlegs

Lee Harker is the main character in the new popular horror film, Longlegs, and is played by Maika Monroe. Longlegs is a horror/ mystery following the story of Harker, an FBI agent who is assigned a case of a serial killer until she discovers a connection to him during her attempts to stop him.

To dress like Lee Harker, wear a white button down shirt, gray dress pants, black boots or any black shoes, and an FBI prop badge lanyard. Wear your hair in a low ponytail and create spots of blood similar to the photo on your chest and above an eyebrow with fake blood makeup.

Lee Harker from Longlegs Costume 12345

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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