Little Edie from Grey Gardens DIY Costume Guide

Little Edie from Grey Gardens

Little Edie is best known from the 1975 documentary Grey Gardens. The documentary captures the odd everyday life of Little Edie and her mother Edith, former wealthy socialites who live in their decaying Long Island estate together, where they never leave the house. We see their hilarious and very eccentric personalities as they reminisce on their younger years with the occasional singing and dancing.

Little Edie throughout the documentary changes into many different outfits and is essentially playing dress up for the camera. She shows off and tells the crew how she puts her outfits together like her signature scarf she wears around her head with a large gold pin, which she sometimes creates with different pieces of clothing, like a sweater. She used to be a dancer and has a dance leotard in the iconic dancing scene with the American flag.

Little Edie from Grey Gardens Costume 1234567

About the Author

Kennedy Lindberg

Kennedy is a graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Costume Design for Film & TV.

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