Luis Serra from Resident Evil 4 Remake Costume

Luis Serra from Resident Evil 4 Remake

Luis Serra (voiced in RE:4 by André Peña) was an employee of the Umbrella Corporation who was recruited into Los Illuminados when he left his job there.  Eventually, he defects and leaks his research to the same organization that employs Ada Wong.  His costume in the Resident Evil 4 Remake is more complex than his original, including an ombre jacket with gold detailing.  You can purchase a replica coat for your costume, or if you're feeling crafty and don't mind a more interpretive version, you could always purchase a solid color jacket and add your own gold details with some leather paint.  Luis has wavy black hair and also carries a Luger pistol.

Luis Serra from Resident Evil 4 Remake Costume 1234567

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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