Maudie Miller from The InBESTigators Costume
Maudie Miller (played by Anna Cooke) is the protagonist of Netflix's The InBESTigators. When Maudie meets Ezra Banks, the two decide to create a detective agency with fellow classmates Ava Andrikides and Kyle Kimson in order to solve mysteries at school and in their neighborhood. Maudie wears many different outfits throughout the series, but if you want to dress as her, you can't go wrong with a pinafore dress over a long-sleeved shirt, as she dons similar outfits on several occasions. Such instances include a blue corduroy pinafore she wears over patterned leggings and a striped shirt, paired with brown booties. To really drive home her P.I. aspirations, you could also add a trench coat.
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