
Henry Spencer from Eraserhead

In David Lynch’s debut Eraserhead, Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) is a working man who is left alone to care for his grossly deformed newborn baby in a desolate industrial wasteland. To faithfully repliacate Spencer’s hair, you’ll want to remove Elvis’s muttonchops from the wig.

Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx is a member and the third brother of the vaudeville act the Marx Brothers. His distinctive appearance is famed for the round spectacles, thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows, and ever-present cigar. Groucho is a master of the witty one-liner.

mr plinkett

Mr. Plinkett

Harry S. Plinkett is a senile old man portrayed by Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa for Redlettermedia, a YouTube film review channel. The character appears in two different continuities. Evans portrays him in Half in the Bag while Stoklasa portrays him (voice only) in Plinkett Reviews. The character achieved massive fame online for his series of reviews for the Star Wars prequels. Evans’ Plinkett is more of a confused and slightly off old man getting his VCR fixed by the Lightning Fast VCR Repair Men while Stoklasa’s is a full on serial killer pervert. Since Stoklasa’s Plinkett never appears on-screen, this guide will be based off of Evans’ version.

lightning fast vcr repairmen

Lightning Fast VCR Repairmen

Half in the Bag is a film review series by YouTube channel RedLetterMedia hosted by Mike Stoklasa and Jay Bauman. The series is unique in its sitcom-like production, with a storyline fueling the reviews. In the series, Mike and Jay play two inept VCR repairmen trying to fix Mr. Plinkett’s VCR player.

Pluto from Us

Pluto from Us

In Us, Pluto is the tethered character for Jason Wilson (Evan Alex). He is Jason’s doppelganger who, along with a red jumpsuit, wears a white mask to hide the extensive burn scars on his face. Jason realizes that Pluto mirrors his movements, and figures out a way to use that to his advantage when Pluto and the rest of his group intrude the Wilson’s home and hold them captive.

Kingpin from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Kingpin from Into the Spider-Verse

In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, the Kingpin (voiced by Liev Schreiber) is the street name of Wilson Fisk, a crime lord and arch-nemesis of Spider-Man. He is immense in stature, both figuratively and physically, and seems to be made up of pure muscle. For this costume, trawl your local thrift store for the absolute largest black suit and skinniest black necktie that you can find.

Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix

In X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Jean Gray (Sophie Turner) is a mutant with extremely powerful telepathic and telekinetic powers. After a space mission goes wrong, Jean is hit and nearly killed by a mysterious cosmic force that unleashes an entity within her, known as the Phoenix, that she is unable to comprehend or control.

John Blyth Barrymore

John Blyth Barrymore in 07/27/1978

John Blyth Barrymore is an American film and television actor. He is known for his role as Zeke in the 1970s television series Kung Fu, but he has gained meme popularity due to his role in the Lasagna Cat video 07/27/1978, where he speaks for an hour in one uninterrupted take analyzing a Garfield comic strip where Garfield steals Jon Arbuckle’s pipe.

Drunk Thor from Avengers: Endgame

Drunk Thor in Avengers: Endgame

In Avengers: Endgame, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is now an overweight alcoholic who leaves in seclusion in New Asgard, Norway. Depressed after the Avengers’ defeat at the hand of Thanos, who has wiped out half of civilization, he spends his days drinking beer and playing Fortnite. The Norse god of Thunder, now drunk and overweight, bears a striking resemblance to The Dude from Big Lebowski, both in appearance and lifestyle.

Voyd from The Incredibles 2


In The Incredibles 2, Voyd is a young wannabe superhero who idolizes Elastigirl. She’s part of the second tier group the Supers, where she uses her superpower to teleport objects around her.

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