Nurse Mildred Ratched from Ratched Costume

Nurse Mildred Ratched from Ratched

In the Netflix series Ratched, Sarah Paulson plays the impeccably dressed and increasingly evil Mildred Ratched.  Nurse Ratched was first introduced to the world as the primary antagonist of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  The Netflix series serves as a prequel to the film, charting Nurse Ratched's origins and how she became the tyrannical battleax she is known as in pop culture.  To create Ratched's nurse outfit, your best bet will be to find white items and dye them the appropriate shade of teal.  While this may seem intimidating, using Rit fabric dye is actually a very simple and straightforward process, and by following the directions on the bottle, you will be able to better mimic the beautiful color of Ratched's uniform, which is difficult to find ready-made.

Nurse Mildred Ratched from Ratched Costume 12345678910

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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One Comment

  1. Cute idea! However, The nurse dress listed is polyester, which can’t be dyed using Rit dyes. Make sure you find one that’s over 65% natural fiber if you plan to dye it.

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