Ernie McCracken

In Kingpin, Bill Murray plays Ernie “Big Ern” McCracken, a professional bowler who’ll backstab anyone to get ahead including bowling prodigy Roy Munson. That rose bowling ball is his gravy train with biscuit wheels.

Tiffany Maxwell

In Silver Linings Playbook, Tiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence) is a recent widow going through a meltdown when she meets Pat Jr. You might say that her wardrobe is bipolar — part Hot Topic, part Foot Locker.

Pat Jr. from Silver Linings Playbook

In Silver Linings Playbook, Bradley Cooper plays Patrick “Pat Jr.” Solitano, a man suffering from bipolar disorder. After he’s released from the mental health facility, he moves in with his parents and gets back in the groove by rooting for the Eagles, entering dance competitions, and wearing trash bags.

Calvin Candie

Calvin Candie, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, holds Django’s wife Broomhilda captive. As the owner of Candyland Plantation, his cruelty simmers under the mask of good manners, charming personality, and a sweet tooth.


Sometime after the Civil War, Candyman is attacked by a lynch mob that cuts off his hand and sets bees to sting him to death. If you chant “candyman” five times while looking in the mirror, he’ll appear in his fabulous fur-trimmed coat and murder you with his hook hand. Fortunately, it’s just an urban legend…

Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter

Steve Irwin, also known as the Crocodile Hunter, was the vivacious Australian host of a wildlife TV series. On the show, he showed his love of animals by pissing off crocodiles, snakes, and other critters.

Grizzly Man

Timothy Treadwell was an amateur naturalist and bear enthusiast who spent 13 summers living with grizzly bears in Alaska. His life’s work has been documented by film maker Werner Herzog in the film Grizzly Man.

Selina Kyle as Catwoman

In the Dark Knight Rises, Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) is a cat burglar who’s cunning enough to steal from Batman. Here you can dress in the Catwoman guise or go more low key for the getaway.

Commissioner Gordon

James Gordon (Gary Oldman) is the commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department and confidante to Batman. He should be managing from police headquarters, but he’s always the first to don a SWAT vest and down into the sewers.

Roxanne “Roxie” Richter

Half-ninja and the fourth evil ex of Ramona Flowers, Roxie Richter (Mae Whitman) embraces the line between industrial goth and lazy ninja. Dressed in all black, save for the silver belt and red lipstick, you can easily steal her look from a trip to Hot Topic and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Although, you may have to put holes in the tights yourself. Bonus points if you can do it while disappearing in a cloud of smoke.