Inuyasha the Dog Demon from InuYasha
Inuyasha (voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the original Japanese and Richard Ian Cox in the English dub) is a half-demon and the titular character of the InuYasha anime. Before he is sealed into the Sacred Tree of Ages, Inuyasha falls in love with Kikyō, and later marries Kagome Higurashi, who is Kikyō’s reincarnation. Inuyasha looks mostly human, but does have small fangs, extended claws on each finger, and a set of white dog ears that protrude from his long silver hair.
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club’s Band is the pseudonym of the Beatles on their album of the same name. Released in 1967, the album contains such hits as “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” and “A Day in the Life.” This era marked the transition of the band’s image from less clean cut and more experimental and avant garde. In this picture, from left to right: Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison
Graham O’Brien
Graham O’Brien (Bradley Walsh) is a character in the British sci-fi series, Doctor Who. He is a retired bus driver who once battled cancer. He becomes a companion to the 13th doctor alongside Yasmin Khan and Ryan Sinclair (his grandson). When the three, along with his wife, Grace, are passengers on a train, a strange creature attacks them. The Doctor steps in to save the day and Graham helps her battle the coils and its controller. Unfortunately their victory results in the death of his wife. At first the Doctor plans to teleport everyone back home, but Graham decides to travel with the Doctor to process his grief. His archetype as an “everyman” character makes him personable and generally well liked.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida is the class representative of Class 1-A at U.A High School. He is also training to become a pro-hero. His hero name is Ingenium, and his Quirk is called Engine. These powers come from his calves, as they have car like engines that boost speed and combat. Earnest, sophisticated, and disciplined, Tenya takes everything very seriously. His elite upbringing made him a noble and studious individual. An odd fact? He needs to fuel his engines by drinking orange juice.
The Oni from Dead by Daylight
The Oni is the ancestor of Rin Yamaoka and is one of the killer in the Dead by Daylight game. Kazan Yamaoka was the son of a samurai known for his strength and demon-like fury. After his pilgrimage to end the blight of false samurai ended with him killing his father and being beaten to death by farmers, Kazan found himself in the realm of the Entity, where he now unleashes his wrath on the survivors of the game. Finding a suitable kanabo or similar club may prove expensive. However, a wooden walking stick or bo staff could be used as a substitute.
Zenith from 2000 AD
Robert McDowell is a sarcastic superhero that goes by the name Zenith. He appeared regularly in the sci-fi comic 2000 AD. He first appeared in 1987 and began to fade from the scene in 1992. But he still has plenty of fans and his creator – Grant Morrison – has become a popular writer for both DC and Marvel!
Given his active years, Zenith’s look is very distinctly late-80s and early-90s. He wears yellow pants and black mid-calf boots. The exact style varies from year to year but the colors remain the same. He also wears a black t-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt Z painted on it. His jacket – the final piece of his costume – varies from issue to issue. Sometimes it is a blue jacket with padded shoulders and black stripes. Other times it’s a blue and white Letterman’s jacket. And occasionally he wears a black bike cop jacket from the ’50s with studs in the shoulders. With all this change, though, two things stay the same: His styled black hair and the black mask around his eyes.
Chuckie Finster
Chuckie Finster is a character in Nickelodeon’s 90s cartoon, Rugrats. Charles or “Chas” Finster is his father. In the group of babies, Chuckie is known as the scaredy cat. Whenever they decide to do something that Chuckie thinks isn’t a good idea, he speaks up, but he goes through with it anyway. Despite this, he is still a loyal and selfless friend, namely to his best friend, Tommy Pickles.
Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop
Vincent Volaju (voiced by Tsutomu Isobe in Japanese and Darran Norris in English) is the main antagonist of the Cowboy Bebop movie Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. A former soldier in the Mars army and veteran of the Titan War, Vincent and his comrades were exposed to experimental nano-technology during the war. As a result of surviving the experimentation, Vincent does not remember his relationship with Elektra Ovirowa. Vincent crosses paths with Spike Spiegel and the rest of the Bebop crew after the terrorist attack on Alba City, which he orchestrated.
Dopey is one of the seven dwarves in the Disney animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. He’s doesn’t speak, but he always smiles. His childish antics earn him nothing more than a bop on the head, as all the dwarves know he really is dopey! He climbs onto Sneezy’s shoulders while wearing a long cloak to be tall enough to dance with Snow White, and together they dance to the Silly Song. Apply mascara to achieve his long lashes, and apply pink blush to your nose. Then sew or glue two yellow buttons down the front of the sweater.
Booster Gold
Booster Gold is a character in the DC comics. His real name is Michael Jon Carter, a time traveling superhero from the future. Using his knowledge of historical events and futuristic tech, he stages publicity stunt heroics. And like cosplayers, his powers come from his costume! His power suit grants him super strength and his wristlets shoot out force blasts. The gold goggles contain infrared and magnifying powers as well. To recreate the design, all you have to do is cut out a V-shaped hole in the blue leotard, and iron on the blue star.