The Governor
In The Walking Dead, the Governor offers survivors refuge from zombies in his idyllic town of Woodbury. But things are not all as they seem. Especially in the aquarium room.
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon is a fan-favorite Walking Dead character played by Norman Reedus. He’s a quiet southerner whose survival skills shine through in the zombie apocalypse. And like a proud redneck, his outfit is low key… aside from the crossbow and animal pelts.
Wayne Campbell
Wayne Campbell, played by Mike Myers, co-hosts public access cable show Wayne’s World out of his parent’s basement in Aurora, Illinois. He likes to play air guitar, accompanied by best friend Garth Algar’s air drums. Schwing!
Garth Algar
Garth Algar, played by Dana Carvey, is a timid, high-strung heavy metal fan. He’s sidekick to Wayne Campbell and co-host of public-access television show Wayne’s World. He’s been rocking plastic glasses and flannels since before it was cool. Party on, Garth.
Slash has earned his title as one of the best guitar players in history — making it on several “Best of” lists in recent years for his riffs and solos. If there was a “Most Consistent Style” list he would easily rank in the top five. His look hasn’t changed much since his Guns n’ Roses days but hey, if you find something that works, why change it?
Monkey D. Luffy
In One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy is captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of its top fighters. Despite his troublemaking ways, he comes from an esteemed lineage, as his father is Revolutionary Army commander Monkey D. Dragon and his father’s father is famed Marine Monkey D. Garp.
Charlie in The Nightman Cometh
Poor Charlie, all he has ever wanted in life is the waitress. He loves her so much that he even went as far as writing and directing Nightman Cometh to get her attention. Despite his efforts, his bright yellow suit and snazzy white top hat couldn’t woo her. Oh well, maybe next time.
Mac as Nightman
Mac plays by his own rules and proved such when he cast himself as the leading role in Charlie’s play, Nightman Cometh. The character was a perfect excuse for him to show off his muscles and cat like reflexes. The hissing sounds were just an added bonus.
Dennis Reynolds as Dayman
Of all the characters in Nightman Cometh, Dennis Reynolds was the only one to undergo a transformation. From little boy to Dayman, Dennis channeled his inner Ziggy Stardust and stole the show while wearing an erotic silver unitard.